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2006-10-03 [Linderel]: I took the liberty of poking it a bit. :)
2006-10-10 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Yippee! First entry! :^)
2006-10-14 [silent_voice]: Excellent...Nu
2006-10-16 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Thank goodness! I was starting to wonder... ;)
2006-10-16 [silent_voice]: Lol remember it does actually start in december lol ^_^ It would be nice to have one of those stickers that sais i donate writing though
2006-10-16 [Blaithin]: It doesn't start in December, it end's in December ;)
2006-10-30 [silent_voice]: Well wow i guess it is just us huh
2006-10-30 [Linderel]: So far... I do hope there's someone else out there planning to participate. o_O
2006-10-30 [Janouk]: *raises hand* I might :) But I think more will enter, they just think that they've got all the time in the world :)
2006-10-30 [Linderel]: Aye, usually it's so. xD
2006-10-30 [silent_voice]: Hmm...Okay then excellent. Have you all read my story yet? I hopes you likes it ^_^
2006-10-30 [Dark Side of the Moon]: Maybe the announcement on Main Street should be larger...? Just a thought. No one's read mine [silent_voice]. *poke poke hint* I hope that others participate! This is a great theme! Who hasn't suspected their neighbour(s) of something? Hope [Sunrose] won't take offense to something I put in mine... ;)
2006-10-30 [Sunrose]: Yea I noticed the lacking amount of entries too :/
Jitter, whoa? :O!
2006-10-30 [silent_voice]: I read yours [Dark Side of the Moon] its awesome ^_^ Tell ya the truth *Whispers* Yours is betta than mine i is thinking
2006-10-30 [Dark Side of the Moon]: :^) Thank you! *gives everyone a puppy*
2006-10-31 [silent_voice]: Ooh preddy!
2006-11-05 [NightTheOwl]: Whooo! It took me quite a while to make my stories!
2006-11-22 [Caterin S.]: Wow, there it is. I hope it fits the rules... somehow. :) I thought it would be a nice idea.
2006-11-24 [EmeraldGrizzly]: May I put the link on here while I write it?
2006-11-24 [Sunrose]: It's preferred that you only put the link here when you have finished your entry :)
2006-11-24 [silent_voice]: This has actually inspired me to write a longer version of my story on here... If people want to check it out i can write up a link.
2006-11-24 [Dark Side of the Moon]: I'd like to read the longer version [silent_voice]!
2006-11-24 [NightTheOwl]: Wow, more entries, this is going to be more competitive!
2006-11-24 [silent_voice]: lol yeah lots of fun the longer version isnt complete. Its just more descriptive and brings the reader in more. Alone in my House
2006-11-24 [NightTheOwl]: OH and to [Sunrose]'s comment on 10-30-2006, Umm well now I think you don't have to worry aobut lacking in entries! ^.^
2006-11-26 [EmeraldGrizzly]: Thanks Sunny.
2006-12-07 [Lady of Lore]: Awww. shoot! mine's not done in time....
2006-12-07 [Linderel]: You still have time until ET midnight. ^_^
2006-12-07 [Janouk]: :o Totally missed the deadline on this one! I thought we'd have until the 20th or something :) *slaps forehead*
2006-12-07 [Lady of Lore]: I'll try!
2006-12-08 [Linderel]: Thanks for participating everyone. :)
2006-12-08 [silent_voice]: No worries.
2006-12-09 [EmeraldGrizzly]: Nope. Thank you Linderel, I jus' hope my ending fits, it kinda really happened. *watches next door neighbors house out of window*
2006-12-09 [silent_voice]: *Looks back through window, sees [EmeraldGrizzly] staring at me. Whimpers* Oh gawd....
2006-12-09 [NightTheOwl]: Do any of you know when the deadlines going to be announced?
2006-12-09 [Linderel]: The deadline of this contest was two days ago, and it has been closed. Unless you're talking about the deadline of some other contest?
2006-12-09 [NightTheOwl]: I meant the winners!
2006-12-09 [Priscilla Primkin]: Yes, when will you be announcing the results?
2006-12-09 [Mekashef]: I think one had better be patient with those things, as our dedicated council members are all very busy people.
2006-12-09 [Linderel]: Aye, patience, please. :P We're currently going through all the stories. Don't forget that the judges will have to read the stories, then discuss them...
2006-12-09 [NightTheOwl]: Oh i'm sorry, i'll control my patience, it needs to be a virtue for me. Well I guess it does take long to read all those stories.
2006-12-29 [silent_voice]: I thought that i acidentally stopped watching the page lol. I wanna know who wins lol ^_^
2006-12-29 [Linderel]: We're working on that. <_< I can't promise anything, but I'll try to do my share of the judging as soon as possible, and we'll probably have the results in after a few days.
Sorry about the delay, I think we have all been busy with other ET stuff and outside life. :3
2006-12-29 [silent_voice]: no worries ^_^ Hey! Merry christmas and a happy new year to everne!
2006-12-29 [NightTheOwl]: Happy Holidays to everyone ^^
2006-12-30 [EmeraldGrizzly]: It's alright Linderel, take your time :D
2007-01-12 [NightTheOwl]: Are the judges done voting?
2007-01-12 [Linderel]: I'm sorry. ;_; I haven't had time for reading these last days, but I'll get it done next week, I promise. :3
2007-01-12 [EmeraldGrizzly]: Thanks Linderel, you're good people :)
2007-01-17 [Linderel]: It was a tough choice, but finally we got the judging done... Thanks everyone!
2007-01-17 [NightTheOwl]: Congrats winners!
2007-01-17 [Caterin S.]: Congratulation
2007-01-17 [silent_voice]: Do we just take the badge?
2007-01-17 [Linderel]: No, you don't. The badge will be given to you.
2007-01-17 [silent_voice]: oh okay, thankyou
2007-01-17 [Priscilla Primkin]: Thank you. I'm glad you liked my story.
2007-01-18 [EmeraldGrizzly]: Congratulation
2007-01-18 [Mekashef]: Indeed, Mazel tov!
2007-01-18 [Artsieladie]: Congratulation
2007-01-19 [thoughtfox]: Thanks so much ^_^
2007-01-19 [Priscilla Primkin]: Thank you.
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